Why Bad Weather Can Affect Your TV Viewing

Everyone needs a moment of rest with their favorite film or TV series. Though, certain phenomena can disrupt your blissful rest during movie night.

A TV that falters or doesn’t display anything can be annoying. However, take a deep breath and don’t irritate yourself. It’s a high chance that your installation isn’t faulty, and the problem is linked to an atmospheric disturbance.

Weather vs. TV

Keeping any installation in good condition is fundamental to enjoying this service normally. Otherwise, problems of various kinds may appear. Without going any further, external factors such as the weather can test the maintenance of antennas and television towers on the rooftops in areas exposed to inclement weather.

Why Bad Weather Can Affect Your TV Viewing 47

There may be problems with satellite response during storms. It can be noticeable, especially with small and improperly installed satellite antennas. Heavy clouds and rainfall may also decrease the strength and quality of a signal.

An image that freezes and fills with small colored squares. That’s the looks and sound of your’s TV screen when it’s not working correctly. Does the flattering sound disappear, and does the screen remain black? It can be a sign of some disturbances. Do not worry about your TV or your antenna. The weather can be responsible for this situation: the temperature difference between freezing nights and sunny and mild days greatly disturbs the waves’ distribution.

What shouldn’t you do if your TV doesn’t work due to adverse weather conditions?

Television repairers get hundreds of phone calls from worried TV users when the weather goes terrible. People are surprised that they haven’t touched anything, yet their TV has stopped working. In situations like this, it isn’t restarting for TV channels or trying to isn’t recommended or trying are the system. It would risk disrupting everything and finding nothing when the situation is back to normal.

Maintenance of antenna installations

Many antenna experts agree that periodic controls of the whole structure and wiring are necessary to provide uninterrupted service and the best way to prevent accidents. The experts can reshape this issue and guarantee its customers maximum security in maintaining their equipment and telecommunication installations. If your community has suffered damage and your TV doesn’t work correctly, you can contact an experienced antenna repairer. He will advise you and go to your house to check the antenna installation.

Disturbances during TV watching are indeed linked to meteorological phenomena. Especially the combination of good weather and fog can cause a problem!

The radio waves are sent from the transmitter to the receiver through the layers of the atmosphere. The distribution of the waves is different according to the frequencies and varies according to the atmospheric situation. Some are thus transmitted much further than they should. The clear sky and the fog lead to an exceptional generation of Hertzian waves. Consequence: the TV signal is weak.

What is the solution to bad weather conflicting with your TV signal quality?

Unfortunately, science is powerless to avoid this seasonal and unpredictable phenomenon. The return to normal is done with the arrival of more calm weather conditions.

However, in situations where the weather is terrible and the regular TV does not work, you can watch something online. Nowadays, numerous streaming services provide many movies, TV series, sports shows, and more.


Atmospheric conditions significantly impact radio waves’ distribution; rain, snow, and clouds can cause worse reception. However, correctly made satellite installation excludes or minimizes atmospheric conditions’ negative impact, providing stable signal reception.

John R. Wright
Social media ninja. Freelance web trailblazer. Extreme problem solver. Music fanatic. Spent several months marketing pubic lice in the financial sector. Spent 2002-2008 supervising the production of ice cream in Africa. Had some great experience developing robotic shrimp in the aftermarket. Spent several years getting my feet wet with puppets in Miami, FL. Was quite successful at supervising the production of corncob pipes worldwide. What gets me going now is working with electric trains in Mexico.