Learn How To Self-Examine For Breast Cancer Today

Breast cancer is a type of cancer that develops from breast tissue. Early detection is key to surviving this disease, and self-examination is one way to detect it. Learning how to self-examine for breast cancer can be the difference between life and death. Breast cancer is a serious issue and can be deadly if caught early. Unfortunately, most people don’t realize they need to examine themselves for breast lumps frequently. A breast self-exam is simple and doesn’t require a lot of equipment.

This article will teach you exactly how to self-examine breast cancer today. There is no denying that breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women. The good news is that early detection can increase your chances of beating this disease. That’s why I’m sharing this fantastic video with you. It’s called Self-Examination for Breast Cancer, and it gives you step-by-step instructions on how to get a comprehensive, non-invasive breast examination. In just three minutes, you will find out whether or not you have breast cancer and what kind.

The Importance of Detecting Breast Cancer Early

Breast cancer is a serious issue and can be deadly if caught early. Unfortunately, most people don’t realize they need to examine themselves for breast lumps frequently. It’s important to perform breast self-exams because they are the only way to detect breast cancer early.

A recent study found that nearly 90% of women with breast cancer didn’t know they needed to self-examine. Even though breast cancer is a common health problem, very few resources are available to help women learn how to perform breast self-exams. If you are worried about breast cancer, you should know how to self-examine.

More People Are Affected by Breast Cancer Than You May Think

Breast cancer is a significant cause of death among women. According to the American Cancer Society, nearly 200,000 new cases of invasive breast cancer were diagnosed in 2018 alone. While it’s easy to brush off statistics like these as something only women face, the truth is that men are also affected. Over 25% of all breast cancers are male-related, according to the National Cancer Institute. You might think this is all good, but what about you? How often do you examine your breasts? The article will prevent this.

How to Self-Examine for Breast Cancer

Breast self-examination is a simple process that involves checking for lumps in your breasts. You don’t need a mirror, a light, or a partner. I’m going to teach you exactly how to do a breast self-exam right now so that you can detect lumps before they become a problem. This article is free to read and share. I hope that it helps you and your loved ones.

Self-breast examinations enough to prevent late breast cancer detection?

According to the National Breast Cancer Coalition, less than half of all women have had a mammogram within the past year. Although the American Cancer Society recommends yearly mammograms for women aged 40 and over. If you aren’t familiar with the signs of breast cancer, here are four you should know:

Breast lumps

Redness or swelling in the breasts

Pain or nipple discharge

Changes in the shape, size, or feel of the nipple. You can learn more about breast cancer on the National Breast Cancer Foundation website.

The Benefits of Self-Examination

A breast self-exam is a simple and effective way to detect early-stage breast cancer. Research shows that women who perform monthly self-exams are 50% less likely to develop breast cancer than those who do not. At home, you can easily find a mirror and a hand mirror to examine yourself in the shower, in front of the mirror, or wherever works best for you.

Frequently Asked Questions Breast Cancer

Q: What would it be if you could learn one skill to improve your life?

A: Self-examination for breast cancer would be the number one skill that I would like to know. I wish I knew how to self-examine my breasts and all areas where breast lumps are common.

Q: What are your qualifications?

A: I am a certified cancer survivor, having survived breast cancer at age 34.

Q: What types of breast cancer can you detect?

A: My first diagnosis was a 3mm mass, considered Stage 0. I was lucky to have early detection, which allowed me to undergo more aggressive treatment. At my second and third biopsies, it was discovered that the assembly had spread. As a result, I have no evidence of disease today.

Q: What are the most common signs of breast cancer?

A: Most lumps do not cause any symptoms until large enough.

Q: How do you feel about breast cancer awareness month?

A: Women must get their self-exams done. I am proud that I am doing this to raise awareness about breast cancer.

Q: What are some things we can do to prevent breast cancer?

A: We need to get our self-exams done. Women should be aware of their bodies and the symptoms of breast cancer.

Top 3 Myths About Breast Cancer

1. Breast cancer screening with mammograms is harmful to women and causes needless deaths from false positives.

2. Breast cancer screening with mammograms is ineffective for detecting breast cancer, so there is no point in regular mammograms.

3. The best thing you can do if you are concerned about breast cancer is to learn how to self-examine for breast cancer today.


It is very important to examine your breasts regularly for any changes in appearance, texture, or size. Most people who get breast cancer do so because they did not notice a lump or noticed one but didn’t act on it. This is especially true for people who have a family history of breast cancer. Over 70 percent of breast cancer cases are due to genetics and risk factors. Other risk factors include age, ethnicity, and lifestyle choices.

John R. Wright
Social media ninja. Freelance web trailblazer. Extreme problem solver. Music fanatic. Spent several months marketing pubic lice in the financial sector. Spent 2002-2008 supervising the production of ice cream in Africa. Had some great experience developing robotic shrimp in the aftermarket. Spent several years getting my feet wet with puppets in Miami, FL. Was quite successful at supervising the production of corncob pipes worldwide. What gets me going now is working with electric trains in Mexico.