8 Day Trading Strategies for Beginners

One of the most misunderstood trading techniques is short-term trading, also known as day trading. Due to the fast-paced nature of moving investment positions carried out in a single trading day, many traders perceive day trading to be riskier than other trading options. However, this theory is nowhere near the truth. To prove this, we have compiled a list of day trading strategies to help beginners become pro-short-term traders.

What Is Day Trading?

The first step to becoming a successful day trader is understanding the true definition of day trading. A day trade is a position successfully entered and exited during a single trading day. Day trading refers to holding market positions for a short period. Typically, a day trader opens and closes a place on the same day.

A position can be either long or short. A long post is when the work is bought outright, while a temporary part is borrowing shares and then offering to sell them at a certain price. A day trader takes advantage of the volatility during the trading day while reducing the potential risks that may arise overnight when the markets are closed.

According to experts, day trading is safer than other trading techniques because day traders don’t hold their positions once markets close at the end of the day. Day traders don’t experience immediate risks that could occur overnight, such as unexpected unpropitious economic news.

Strategies on Day Trading for Beginners

Day trading can overwhelm many beginners since strategies generating substantial returns can be too expeditious and aggressive. Like every trading strategy, it takes time and commitment to fully understand the guiding principles of short-term trading and various trading patterns.

The following tips will give beginners a head start in developing an efficient trading style.

Identify Trading Scenarios Where Demand and Supply Are Considerably Imbalanced

Prices tend to go higher when there is a low supply and many willing buyers, while prices tend to drop when there is excess supply but few willing buyers. Experienced day traders take advantage of these imbalances and use them as entry points. Knowing how to recognize these scenarios on a price chart is essential. You can also train yourself by reviewing historical examples.

Always Remember to Set Day Trading Price Targets

After setting your targets, stand with your decisions. These targets will help you limit your probable loss while preventing you from being greedy when prices increase astronomically. If you’re purchasing a long position, plan before the profit you intend to gain, the top-loss level, just in case a trade doesn’t work.

While Setting Your Day Trading Targets, Maintain A 3:1 Risk-Reward Ratio.

This is one of the most fundamental strategies every beginner should implement. The 3:1 risk-reward ratio allows traders to win big but lose small. This strategy will help you generate profit, even when you incur losses in other trades. As you gain experience, you can achieve risk-reward ratios of up to 5:1 and even higher.

A Day Trader MUST Be A Patient Trader

Absurd as it might sound, most day traders don’t trade daily. They may always be online assessing the market, but they won’t change during that day when they don’t identify any viable opportunity.

A Day Trader MUST Be Disciplined

Disciplined day traders should plan their trades and then trade their plans; sticking to your plan is also important. It would be best to avoid the enemies of successful trading: impulse behavior, greed, and fear.

Avoid Paralysis by Analysis

Most rookie day traders encounter “paralysis by analysis,” making them scared and hesitant in executing trades. This makes them lose many opportunities that would have worked in their favor. Disciplined traders who operate according to their plan place orders automatically without any doubt, and if they are wrong, their stop-loss level will prevent them from incurring any astronomical loss.

Don’t Trade with Money You Can’t Afford to Lose.

Though cliché, this strategy is important, and every successful trader should set aside a portion of their capital for risks while saving the rest for other long-term goals. Investing all your wealth in a trade can be a risky affair, especially when the markets don’t work in your favor. However, you can decide to invest all your capital, but only when the odds are extremely high in your favor.

Learn From Your Experience

Even very successful traders incur losses, so don’t kick yourself when a trade goes your way, especially if you start. Instead, learn from these experiences and use them to trade more wisely in the future.

John R. Wright
Social media ninja. Freelance web trailblazer. Extreme problem solver. Music fanatic. Spent several months marketing pubic lice in the financial sector. Spent 2002-2008 supervising the production of ice cream in Africa. Had some great experience developing robotic shrimp in the aftermarket. Spent several years getting my feet wet with puppets in Miami, FL. Was quite successful at supervising the production of corncob pipes worldwide. What gets me going now is working with electric trains in Mexico.